March 10, 2025 update
We provide the bins, they provide the fun (and the cabbages…far too many which get left behind by parade attendees).
Please email Lynne if you can volunteer or sign up on our Facebook invite:
Compost NOW promotes, supports and provides resources to several free residential food waste collection programs throughout New Orleans. We partner with several local farms and gardens who accept frozen food scraps on site, what we call “direct-to-farm” or “direct-to-garden” drop offs. We also partner with Audubon Park and with REALCYCLE at City Park’s Crescent City Farmer’s Market, who still offer “hosted” collections.
Our partners all run and are responsible for their own collections. Ideally, they notify us when they need to cancel a date / or close for an extended period of time so that we can update our website, Facebook and Instagram. Many of our sites do shut down during the hot summer months, and over various holiday periods. See current schedule* for Sugar Roots Farm, Crown Community Garden, Recirculating Farms (back from hiatus) Galvez Garden, Speak Easy Farm (closed until further notice), REALCYCLE at City Park, Pelican Gardens and Earth Lab in the Marigny (closed until further notice). We also promote collections at Loyola University (closed until further notice), Barcelo Gardens, Sprout NOLA and Sankofa Community Garden. If you are interested in having your drop off site added, please send us an email.
Please DO NOT drop off your food scraps outside program hours or if the bins are not there.
Leaving food scraps when/where they are not supposed to be can lead to ants and rodents, and makes more work for our amazing partners!
VOLUNTEER AT THE IRISH CHANNEL PARADE! This year the parade is at 1pm on Saturday, March 15th. We are looking for volunteers to help collect any discarded cabbages, carrots, etc that may (unfortunately) be left behind so that they can be composted rather than sent to the landfill.
It's the easiest (and most fun) volunteer gig ever: watch the parade, and after it passes and folks start to leave, wheel over your bin (that we provide, of course) and fill it with food scraps! Please let me know if you can help.
APPLICATIONS ARE OPEN! Our DIY Easy Backyard Compost Bin distribution program had a slight delay due to the uncertainty over federal grants (still not 100% resolved) but we are moving forward with our first batch of 25-30 backyard compost bins to giveaway.
Please fill out our form here. We hope to distribute another 50-75 during International Compost Awareness Week, May 4-10.
Expanded Hours & Collections at Galvez Garden (2317 N Galvez):
Galvez Garden has increased their food waste drop off hours to 10am-2pm every Sunday AND they will also be collecting aluminum cans in blue bins as part of their new partnership with NOLA Cans 4 Food (who use the funds from recycling those cans to buy ingredients for meals which get distributed to New Orleans Community Fridges and unhoused people in the city).
REALCYCLE is now ONLY collecting food scraps and aluminum (no cardboard, no glass) at the Crescent City Farmer's Market on Sundays (8am-noon). Please note, the Crescent City Farmer’s Market has moved to the parking lot by City Park Putt Putt.
Thank you for your understanding and patience as we continue to transition from an organization that organizes and hosts food waste collections, to one which primarily supports and promotes the efforts of others.
*Check Compost NOW’s Facebook page for daily posts regarding updates and drop-off locations. We will try to mention other drop off sites that we are aware of happening throughout the city, as we believe it is important to offer decentralized locations in order to reduce “food waste miles.”
We also have Instagram but it is not updated as frequently.
Compost NOW is a residential food waste collection program. We promote and support multiple daily drop off sites all over New Orleans.
We also occasionally sell DIY backyard compost and indoor worm bins. Learn more here!